SCAPE - State Council on Adapted Physical Education

The mission of the CAHPERD Section on Adapted Physical Education is to lead, support, and assist
Adapted Physical Education Specialists to provide the highest quality physical education programs 
for individuals with and without disabilities in California. Such programs will maximize student skill development and
cultivate a desire to lead an active, healthy, and productive lifestyle.
Contact: SCAPE

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 Become a member - Application

NAPEC52 "Together We Shine"

Thank you for all who attended the 52nd NAPEC!

Join us at the CAHPERD State Conference February 1-3

CAHPERD Conference Information

Was Held November 2-4, 2023

Burbank, CA
Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport


NAPEC52 Sponsors





Stay Social with SCAPE

Twitter  @CA_AdaptedPE and
Facebook “Scape Adapted PE” 
Instagram @statecouncilape